Ambu Spur II Disposable Resuscitator (BVM)
Rapid bag response, permits optimum number of strokes per minute. Soft-finish
bag, minimizes friction and hand fatigue. See-through adjustable mask has
swivel mouthpiece. Screw-on/off supplemental oxygen adapter is easily
removed. Tubing assures oxygen flow even if tubing is partially crimped.
Fits all universal adapters, eliminating the need of ‘nut and nipple’ adapter.
Drawstring storage bag included. Available with a medium face mask or a medium and large face mask.
• One Single Use Resuscitator
• One Oxygen Mixing Bag
• One Soft Vinyl Oxygen Tubing With Adapter
• Crush resistant star tubing
• Flexible PVC cushion face mask ensures a tight seal
• Latex Free